Reading Food Labels

As we grow more and more aware of our body needs and upcoming healthy food products in the market, we tend to choose them without too much awareness about its truth. What you see is what you buy. Products named "whole wheat", "oats", "high Fibre", "low fat", "zero cholesterol", "organic", "natural", "healthy" etc., have become a trend in the market. I can manufacture any product and market it the way I want and you are bund to buy them because I have caught your weak point and labelled it that way. NO! Lets become more aware of the products. 1. Looking at the Nutritional Label: The first thing you would at is the amount of calories. No. you may look at them but that is not the only thing you need to control or take care of! Look at more important things such as Proteins, Fibre and other micro nutrients such as vitmains, sodium, calcium, iron, etc. If they have mentioned these, means ...