Health - The Need of the Hour

"HEALTH" is the word that we see and hear everywhere today. But what I mean by this word is not dieting, eating less, or eating only boring salads while staying hungry to lose weight, etc. Health simply means to EAT what is nutritious, a wholesome balance of all the food groups (comprising of cereals, proteins - meat and milk products, fruits and vegetables, oils and fats and sugars), and eating at regular intervals. Living a healthy lifestyle is all about managing your cravings for tasty food with the cravings of your body for nutrition. Health has become the focus of alot of people today. Be it industrialists, the hotel industry, the food manufacturing industry, government, or the common people. Each and every individual is becoming aware of his health needs. But why? Why do we need to be healthy and why is it important to carefully select what we eat and what we do not eat? Here are just a few guidelines that would answer all your questions! 1. Ever increasing ...