Getting back to originals

As my title suggests, today is the age where people are resorting to the old age where foods and living was more natural. Be it farming, or cooking methods, preservation or consumption pattern, we all are going back to the times of our grandparents, and great grand parents.

Their's was a time when there was no adulteration in foods, there was no fertilizers or insecticides, there was no expensive stuff, yet they were healthy wealthy, fit and fine!! 

Today we are doing organic farming which adds to the cost of living, so it's not acceptable by the large Indian population. In the market today, we are getting more and more food products that focus on the consumption of millets of Indian origin which are far better than the foreign ingredients.

If the foreigners are getting back in India's past to find the best healthy food choices, why are we imbibing the English way of lifestyle which they are soon leaving behind?

So here I write a few ways in which you can get connected to your roots and remain the healthiest.

1. Eat the fruits and vegetables of Indian origin. The exotic ones that are grown in India, may not have all the nutrition that the foreign research papers claim, because of the different soil and climatic conditions. Rather, the potential of the Indian foods are not yet tapped so we, the common man is not well informed and educated regarding the benefits of our Indian foods. Eg, the Amla, or the Indian gooseberry is one the most researched ingredient, and is one the best fruit you can consume to lower your blood glucose levels. In addition, it is the best source of vitamin C and possesses certain components which impart overall benefits to your body.

2. The tradition of spicing up your vegetables while you cook, has imparted the best benefits to your body. The saute of bay leaves, cinnamon, Clove, the use of turmeric, Asafoetida, mustard seeds, cumin seeds, etc., causes it's essential oils to leach out into the cooking oil. These essential oils are the components present in these ingredients which are responsible for its antimicrobial activity. It will protect you from several diseases. Also, these spices and condiments contain volatile substances which when eaten in combination, prevent heart diseases, cancers, aid in weight loss etc.

3. Use Indian millets such as bajra, Ragi, jowar, Rajgeera, etc., rather Than resorting to quinoa. There maybe a hype over the benefits of quinoa, but if you rationally read the benefits of the Indian millets, they would provide far better and cheaper sources of the desired nutrients. They are high in fibre in addition to having certain important minerals such as iron, calcium, phosphorus, etc.,  which play a role in the prevention and treatment of various diseases.

4. We think of functional foods and super foods and we think of flax seeds, chia seeds, kale, avocado, etc. Ever wondered if these things did not exist in India years ago, how did our forefathers survive?? Today there is a manifold increase in the incidence of over weight, diabetes, heart attacks, hypertension, cancers and the rest. Ever wondered how did our forefathers escape all this?

Simple! Because they lived a very simple life. They ate anything that was availabe locally. We have cumin seeds and basil seeds (Sabja) instead of flax seeds and chia seeds which give you the same benefits. We have cabbage to replace kale and we have walnuts and other marine foods which give us the required nutrients.

5. Always sit on the floor with folded legs for your meals. Science suggests that posture is proper for the digestive system to work at its best and therefore reduce the risk of overweight and poor digestive systems. Post this you will never require probiotics and probiotics. Eating curd would suffice the need of our gut if we follow these small small cues.

"Eat small bites and do not speak while you eat."

You must have heard these lines time and again. Why?
Because not talking helps you concentrate on what you are eating and you will chew the food a minimum of 32times and so the digestion process would be fast and better. Taking small bites also ensures every part of the bite is chewed properly and that we do not gulp a part of the bite with minimal chewing. Studies suggest that fast eating with large bites is associated with weight gain.
I am not against the super foods concept, they are definitely beneficial, and a necessity in some cases. But I do support being rooted to Indian traditions while selecting my food options.

Just follow these 5 tips from today itself and notice the changes in you, your personality and your health.

Looking forward to comments and suggestions, questions and doubts. Keep connected For more details and tips...

Happy being natural!!


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