Why do we overeat?

It's nothing new that we, especially Indians, overeat to the heart's core. Unless we feel the tummy may now Burst, or till we feel the food has come uptil the neck, or unless we take a burp, we Havnt fed ourselves enough. But we also are well aware of the nausea, uneasiness, feeling bloated, gain in weight and increase in lifestyle disorders such as obesity and diabetes etc., as some of the after effects.
Then why do we over eat? Why can't we control? Why do we not understand when we are *just full* and at what stage are we overeating??
Here's the answer.
We usually consume only 3 large meals during the day, next breakfast, lunch and dinner; with a small fried snack in the evening. As a result we are too hungry by the time my major meal is going to be served. As soon as it is served, we starting hogging food, eating at a really fast pace. Sometime we don't even realise that I'm eating fast, unless towards the end of the meal, we slow down... Because we have eaten this fast, our brain does not have enough time to analyse that we have started to eat and it doesn't release enough satiety hormones (hormones that tell you that you are full). So by the time the brain has for its job, you have already eaten a lot and as a result, by the time you realise anything, you have already overeaten. So now all those signs and symptoms will follow.
Secondly, because of such hunger pangs, you tend to get attracted to most of the junk foods, specially fried foods and sugar loaded desserts. We tend to eat them uncontrollably and so we start to gain weight gradually.
Therefore, it it important to eat 6-7 small meals during the day.
A large breakfast, a medium lunch and a very light dinner helps you to control your weight.
Also, keep a protein bar, fruit, dry fruits and nuts, baked and healthy snacks etc.,  handy in your bag or office drawer. Whenever you have a craving for fried foods, or desserts, just pop in these foods into your mouth, and you are good to go through your day!!!
It is absolutely not difficult to make these small changes in life. Instead, they make you happy, and your life easy!!


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